Symine Salimpour


SymineSymine Salimpour is author, editor of perfumes, jewelry designer and artistic director of Hors Là Monde. A young woman with the beautiful bronze eyes that sparkle of passion when she speaks of perfumes, fragrances, flavors, scents and humanity.

You should have listened to her to say that she is more than a designer. Perhaps a philosopher of perfume. In any case she knows to put in words what is "felt" unconsciously but without ever being reached.

As a teenager, she is already more or less consciously perceived as a "nose".

In 1998, Symine goes to Paris to pursue her education in Human Right law at the Sorbonne. She graduates from Paris Law School in 2003 and immediately moves to the Middle East which she dreams of discovering the soul.
There she worked for a famous Brazilian jeweler in a luxury hotel.
Her direct and daily contact with the people reinforces the idea that it is infinitely more interesting for her to tackle through the artistic rather than that of the law.
With this idea now well rooted in it, Symine chooses to move to the action by creating jewelry and original fragrances.

She moves to the United States and creates the brand Hors Là Monde. This name refers to a Palace restored by Maurice Maeterlink. Suspended between heaven and earth, this place seems without borders. Its owner gave him the name of Orlamonde.
Blinded and inspired by the landscape of its unreal beauty, Symine Salimpour keeps it to baptize her brand: “Hors Là Monde”, meaning "Out of this world."
She complemented it with a compass as a logo that guides to new worlds.
Convinced that Perfume is the secret of seduction, she dreams about it.

“A perfume, says Symine, is exactly like the “madeleine of Proust”. It has the power to keep and to search the memory and thus creates the most intense emotions.
The fragrance calms down. It breaks all the resistances and walls. It is a bridge, a subtle way to meet the others.
As the music, perfume softens manners, infiltrates to the deepest of souls. It could perhaps be used in politics or diplomatic relations", says Symine with a malicious smile... A perfume is both about nature and culture and that s probably why I always had passion for it.»

In 2007, Symine Salimpour meets Michel Roudnitska. She mentions her desire to create a fragrance that would evoke Hors Là Monde. A couple of months later, she manages to convince him to create SHILOH for her.
SHILOH means in the Old Testament "The one to which it belongs to”.
SHILOH was released in Christmas 2007 at Henri Bendel, on the prestigious Fifth Avenue in New York.
It was unanimously recognized by the international press as a true masterpiece.
With SHILOH, Symine and Michel Roudnitska wanted to provide both the French refinement and the delights of the East.

In 2008, Michel Roudnitska introduces Fabrice Olivieri to Symine. He creates for Hors Là Monde, LADY SHILOH, released in 2009.
LADY SHILOH is also a success.

At the same time, Symine Salimpour meets Yun Gao, a young Lady from China, two years later, becomes her partner. She leads the commercial direction and brings a new energy to the company.

In 2011, a new collaboration between Symine Salimpour and Fabrice Olivieri gives birth to SHILOH X, the third fragrance which ends successfully the first trilogy of the brand in 2011.

The story of Hors Là Monde is at the end the translation of all meetings of this woman of taste, warmth and heart as well as her consistency of always with herself by transforming her passion for the Human who could have lead her, probably with as much success, to all other horizons.
"I feel very happy to have partners in Iran and have the opportunity in the same day, to talk to someone in China, Saudi Arabia, Poland, England and the United States.
With fragrances, we are looking for beauty and balance.
Fragrance, is a poetic way of getting people on a common ground.
Hors Là Monde is the chance to create my own world.”

Against all odds, the Hors Là Monde of Symine Salimpour is finally in the world and is working with the world.